Gemeente Toerisme Damme


You'll find pure nature around Damme. Where the city wall once had a military purpose, it is now an area rich in natural life. You can take beautiful walks in peace among the haylands, reed collars, swamp forests and open water features. From a viewing hut you can watch the geese in the Oostkustpolder. For centuries, Dammen were fighting against the water. Thanks to their efforts, we can now enjoy breathtaking nature reserves. Just like in the heart of Damme, there is also a mysterious veil hanging over the landscape: the feeling that great stories have taken place here in ancient times. It is up to you to discover it!


Visit Damme

Jacob van Maerlantstraat 3 8340 Damme Phone+32 (0)50 28 86 10
open 13.00-17.00 h.

For professionals